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Foxchase Owner's Association Foxchase Owner's Association
Foxchase Owner's Association
ACB Guidelines & Documents

The ACB Guidelines have been updated, approved and adopted by the Board of Directors.
News and Updates:
  • ACB Guidelines revision log has been initiated and can be found in the Applications and Other Documents page
  • QUESTION and REQUEST FORM revised 9/6/2017
  • ACB update to mailbox specifications effective 7/18/2017
  • ACB Guidelines rev 7.0 update effective 6/26/2020
  • ACB Checklist for assistance to property owners and builders
ACB Application Status:
About the Foxchase ACB:
The ACB (Architectural Control Board, also known as the Architectural Review Board) for new construction and home upgrades meets as necessary to review submissions, update guidelines and other matters.  A full description of the process and the actual guidelines are included in the ACB Guidelines. 
To see the current guidelines, open the  Foxchase ACB Guidelines and ACB Guidelines Addendum to view, print or save. 
To request exterior changes, additions or new homes go to the ACB Submittal Form
Additionally, a checklist has been created that will assist property owners and builders.  Checklist 
  • To submit your application, please choose one of the methods below:
    • Send completed forms, plans, drawings and other required documents by US Mail to:
      • Foxchase ACB, c/o Cathcart Property Management, 200 Reserve Blvd, Suite 200, Charlottesville, VA 22901
    • Send completed forms, plans, drawings and other required documents by electronic email to:
    • Submit completed forms, plans, drawings and other required documents online at:
A few key points from the ACB Guidelines:
  • Modifications/additions to the exterior of your home are subject to approval by the ACB PRIOR to the modifications being made.
  • Tree (that will grow over 10') addition or removal are subject to the approval of the ACB PRIOR to the addition or removal (more information is found in the ACB Guidelines).  Removed trees should be removed from property and surrounding areas as beavers are using downed trees for dams that are damaging the surrounding ponds, creeks and streams.
  • The Guidelines contain the procedures for residents and builders to follow.
Note that if there are no applications to review, the ACB may not formally meet.
Members of the Foxchase ACB are:
  Steve Bowers
  Lee Herbert
  Mellissa Adams
 For new construction, the ACB has the following consultants:
  Landscape Architect: none
  Building Architect: Rick Funk
Mailbox Specifications and Dimensions:
Mailboxes in Foxchase are the black Gilbralter XL Post Mount Mailbox model ST200B00, 15”h x 11.7 wide x 24.8 deep.  It’s available at Cardinal, Lowes, Amazon and Home Depot.  
Mailbox Posts are available at the Cardinal Home Center in Crozet. When inquiring, be sure to mention that you are looking for the post that is used in Foxchase.
In addition to periodical inspections of noticeable activity, the Foxchase Association property manager performs a full neighborhood walkabout inspection twice a year.
Why Have inspections?
Without regular inspections, covenant violations often go undetected which makes enforcement more difficult. The board, architectural control committee and management company should watch for any new construction activity or rules violations and respond immediately. Homeowners can also report violations to the Board or ARB when situations occur that may not be apparent to Board or ARB via the Association Request and Question Form.  Additionally, the form can be used to make requests and ask questions of the Board and ARB.
Please complete and submit the ASSOCIATION REQUEST AND QUESTION FORM.
The form should be completely filled out and signed.
Why have rules?
  • Protect the property values and assets of the community.
  • Required by the governing documents.
  • Legal Obligation - A board and its individual members are considered agents of a corporation and are liable for the actions of a nonprofit organization.
  • Avoid court rulings against the association and expensive legal fees for poorly developed or enforced rules.
  • Promote community harmony.
Architectural Guidelines typically apply to the exterior appearance of the property.  Some examples:
  • Fences
  • Decks & Patios
  • Sheds and Outbuildings
  • Satellite Dishes
  • Mailboxes
  • Exterior Colors
  • Building Materials
  • Pools
  • Playground Equipment
  • Additions and OutBuildings
  • Landscaping
  • Lawn Maintenance
  • Common Area Maintenance
  • Solar energy
ACB Guidelines Archives:
ACB Guidelines rev 7.0 updated 6/26/2020
ACB Guidelines rev 6.5 updated 5/1/2019
ACB Guidelines rev 6.4 updated 11/27/2018
ACB Guidelines reve6.3 updated
ACB Guidelines rev6.2 updated